ELM Homes is seeking a supervisor who is approachable and motivated, has good people skills and willing to take on a challenge, Designated Coordinator (QDDP/DC qualified), in the Le Center/Montgomery/New Prague area.
Qualifications include:
Must be 18 years of age Willing to work direct care Have good communication/comprehensive speaking and writing skills of the English language Developing and implementing program plans, staff supervision Valid driver's license with no restrictions Wiling to be on-call Strong decision making skills Have no substantiated abuse/neglect reports.
To submit your cover letter and resume, please click the "Apply" button.
If you have any questions about the position, please call 507-835-1146.
About Us:
ELM Homes takes pride in aiding individuals in their desire to live their life with as much normalcy as the everyday person. Homes are located in residential neighborhoods, rural areas, and in their own homes with in-home services. The homes are well maintained and employees and the individuals work together to ensure an independent living environment. ELM Homes also provides In - Home and Semi Independent living situations to people, providing services to over 30 individuals in their home environment that allow the individual to attain their goals for lasting independence.
It has been ELM Homes' mission throughout it's history to provide quality service, by not only adapting to the times, but also by leading the industry in promoting and advocating for individuals rights and self-reliance. ELM Homes' goal is the same as the people requiring services: An independent living environment, inclusion in society, and independence. ELM Homes will continue to change, grow and adapt as new requests and services are identified.